martes, 11 de junio de 2013

opinion piece

                          Why conveticional medicine treatments are more effective?

From the very start of cancer studies, patients treated with conventional treatments consistently reported a more satisfactory existence than the patients receiving unorthodox care ,said doctor Barrie Cassileth, professor at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School

Invasive treatment  such surgery or drugs that are needed and so effective, especially for this kind of emergency. Western healthcare is often symptom based and it is proved by scientific record that most of lung cancer are not detected until the illness shows its symptoms.  
An other thing we must have in mind is costs, traditional treatments are cheaper since health insurance or government programs allow to receive for free. Alternative medicine is very expensive, especially in North America and Europe.

Traditional medicine may succeed better than alternative in cancer treatments, but traditional one, despite the notorious side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, afford patients a significantly better quality of life during their remaining time than does the alternative approach.

You may hear about alternative lung cancer treatments if you have been diagnosed with lung cancer : yoga, meditation, acupuncture, massage, all have been talked about as being able to help with lung cancer. While many of these have not been extensively studied, some could be considered solid, but none has been proved.

One of the most  recent trends of healthcare today is the complementary use of both. The blend of these two disciplines should make healthcare much more effective in the coming years, meanwhile, traditional medicine should be used first because evidence based medicine is the application of scientific process to distinguish outcomes due to chance from outcomes which are reproducible and, therefore, presumably more reliable.

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