jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015


Is  techonology a possibility for poor person is overcame poverty?

The answers is yes!!! Technology is a good form to overcame poverty because,
First, the cellphone is a good form to communicate in all the world. Because for people in the society it's crucial this technology.
Another reason is because in Africa (Kenya) the people are very poor and for this electronic device facility be related for other people.

Second, Internet is  the best possible to for help to overcame poverty.
Because there is a lot information on this platform.
To have more knowledge for next: animals, works, cars, airplanes, football players, news, school. This tool is to much for many thinks.

Therd, African people are very poor people and for this reason 3/4 of the poor population do  not have internet and cellphone but 1/4 of poor population have this technology and people have the  best opportunity for overcame poverty.
But nowadays more people obtain tablets, cellphone, computer, smartphones in Kenya and for other country.

Finally, technology is good form to overcame the poverty for poor population.
This are a good and nice news because more person see pictures or information from other country. For example Chile or Mapuche. The conclusion is technology is a possibility for poor person overcame poverty.

                                                                     Franco Bertinelli

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